Why IMPACT upgraded from HubSpot Meetings to Chili Piper

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Why did IMPACT upgrade from HubSpot Meetings to Chili Piper?

Nick Bennett, director of marketing at IMPACT gave us all the details. He shared how switching to Chili Piper helped solve their booking problem and convert more leads. 

Too many form fields = lots of friction 

“Basically we had a booking problem,” Nick said. “Which everyone who gets Chili Piper typically has, right?”

Their booking process was filled with unnecessary friction, negatively impacting their buyer journey. 

“One of the things that we're using Chili Piper for is just really streamlining the UX. That was our biggest problem,” Nick said.

Before Chili Piper, there were seven or eight clicks in between form submission and meeting booked.

Imagine how many people dropped off simply because they didn’t want to deal with all the questions and form fields?

Luckily, they no longer have to worry about leads slipping through the cracks because of a lengthy booking process.

“Now we're down to about three [clicks],” Nick said. 

Chili Piper vs HubSpot Meetings

IMPACT was originally using HubSpot Meetings, but quickly realized its shortcomings — mainly, they weren’t able to track the form abandonment.

“We had no benchmark data because HubSpot wouldn't allow us to track any of it,” Nick said.

“That was our main motivation for migrating out of HubSpot Meetings,” He continued. “We felt like we couldn't track fallout. People would start the [booking] process and then abandon it — which now we have access to.”

Ownership and routing rules

Another point of friction in IMPACT’s booking process was ownership and routing. 

“HubSpot is capable of doing it, but just that one function alone added a form field and two extra clicks,” Nick said. “The ownership routing was really important for us because our inbound lead generation volume is pretty high.”

That means there’s a good chance that a contact who's booking a meeting or booking a sales call 1.) is already owned or assigned to someone or 2.) already had a touchpoint with a salesperson or an advisor at some point along their journey.

“Being able to make sure that they got routed to the appropriate salesperson, fast, was a really big deal,” Nick said.


IMPACT uses the meeting type designation inside of HubSpot’s CRM and the Chili Piper integration sends that specific information over to them. 

“So once it's that specific meeting type, it sends out all of the other communications,” Nick said. “It notifies the account executive, notifies the marketing team, notifies the sales director, things like that.”

Creating a delightful web experience

When choosing a new tool, a big draw was the simplicity and power of Chili Piper’s solution. 

“We used your CSS builder in your knowledge base,” Nick said. “There's essentially a kind of fill in the blanks with your hex codes and so that was really, really simple for us to get everything the way that we wanted it.”

Nick said that one of the things they’re proudest of as a company is that they’re constantly trying to make the web experience better.

“To us, having a tangible metric that showed like, hey, we have X percentage more, wasn't the most valuable thing,” He said.

What was the most valuable thing?

“The most valuable thing was providing a delightful experience for people on the website.” 

Their website is often the first touchpoint people have with them as a company.

“They see us on video and they read our content a lot, but their first true interaction with us is typically through that form,” Nick said.

Looking to upgrade your customer experience? Learn how Chili Piper can help

About the author
Kelli Diffenderfer

Kelli Diffenderfer is a Content Marketing Manager at Chili Piper. She is passionate about the power of words to tell stories and bring ideas to life. A Michigander at heart, she spends much of her time traveling to the mitten state, spending time outdoors and enjoying sunsets over the water. Connect with Kelli on LinkedIn.

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