How Sendoso Automates their SDR-AE Handoff to Hold 92% of Booked Meetings

Our Impact

Sendoso is the most effective way for revenue-driving teams to stand out by sending personalized gifts, branded swag, and eGifts at-scale.

Before Chili Piper:

  • Managed their SDR-AE handoff scheduling using a round-robin report in Salesforce
  • Struggled to account for things like vacations, unqualified leads, and ramping new reps to hit quota quickly
  • Reps were wasting time jumping between multiple tools and Salesforce reports to get a meeting on the right AE's calendar

After Chili Piper: 

  • SDRs now have a 92% hold rate on handoff opportunities booked through Instant Booker
  • AEs can easily flag no-shows knowing Chili Piper will make sure they are credited back that opportunity
  • Chili Piper has streamlined the AE-SDR scheduling process, removing all the frustration from the handoff process and making scheduling an afterthought

“The ease of which we successfully get an elegant calendar invite with multiple attendees on the calendar on the first attempt is like night and day relative to what I've seen before.”

- Alex Miller, Director of Revenue Operations at Sendoso

Streamline your SDR-to-AE handoff and hold more meetings with Chili Piper - Book A Demo

About the author
Chelsea Castle

Chelsea Castle is the Director of Content Marketing at Chili Piper. A journalist turned empathy-driven marketer, she's also a concert junkie who can often be found #doingthings outside and crafting creative ways to be sustainable.

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