How TravelBank Increased Qualified Meetings Held by 30-40% Using Chili Piper and Clearbit

Our Impact

Have you ever experienced a poor buying process with a B2B vendor?

Curt Smith has.

After waiting days to hear back from a company he was interested in, he was told they couldn't schedule a call for another two weeks.

Curt Smith, Head of Demand Generation at TravelBank, chatted with us about their buying process, and how Chili Piper helped improve their demand capture and conversion — so nobody had to go through what he did.

He needed to make sure qualified prospects visiting TravelBank’s website could schedule a time to talk with a rep immediately.

As you may have guessed, that company we mentioned didn't get his business. But it did get him thinking...

How friction affects the bottom line

Friction kills deals.

That's something that can't be stressed enough.

After Curt's poor experience, he realized how important it was to improve speed to lead and provide a seamless customer experience.

“We have to be the ones that are there and ready to speak to people when they want to buy,” Curt said.

Exceeding customer expectations

Today, people often conduct research on their own time. B2B buyers are typically 57% of the way to a buying decision before actively engaging with sales. When they’re ready to talk, they don’t want to be “contacted shortly” or “hear back within 24 hours”. 

Modern customers want answers now.

Chili Piper helped TravelBank deliver on this straight-to-meeting imperative by automating the process of qualifying, routing, and scheduling leads with Form Concierge.

Make it easy to click submit

Curt also saw an opportunity to optimize their forms and cut down on the number of fields required. 

Enter Clearbit, a marketing data platform for B2B companies. Chili Piper’s integration with Clearbit allowed TravelBank to enrich leads, reducing friction and driving more conversions.

“We had eight or nine fields we were asking for,” Curt said.“When somebody would come to request a demo, I would watch those screen recordings and heat maps. We had so many abandonments where people wouldn’t fill the forms out all the way and they’d just be like…Okay, I’m done with this.”

By implementing Chili Piper and Clearbit, Curt increased his form completions by 2-3x.

More conversions, more revenue

As a demand gen leader, Curt firmly believes that response time is key to converting inbound traffic. And in times of economic turmoil (be that pandemics or recessions), this couldn't be more true. 👇

Generating high-quality leads costs time, money, and effort. That’s why high-performing revenue teams trust Chili Piper’s inbound conversion platform to seal leaky funnels shut. All the while, they are able to drive efficiencies and get insight into what’s working and what’s not.

Connecting prospects with reps used to be hit-or-miss for TravelBank. With Chili Piper, their number of qualified meetings booked increased by 40%.

How’s that for proof in the pudding? 

Book a demo today to start driving more revenue from your pipeline.


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