
Chili Piper vs Qualified

Are you feeling a bit lost and unsure about which tool to choose? Chili Piper or Qualified? Well, fret not because I'm here to help you out!

Picking the right platform for your team is absolutely critical. Implementation can take time, especially if you're integrating with other systems — so you don't want to waste time and energy from your team multiple times.

No matter how small, every single detail counts. Because once you choose the right tool, you'll start converting those leads and driving sales like a boss.

By the time you finish reading this article, you'll be fully informed with more options, and ready to make the right decision for your team. So buckle up and get ready to take your revenue game to the next level!

Short Summary

  • Chili Piper is the ultimate tool for managing your buyer funnel from start to finish. Whether it's capturing their intent, managing deals, or even upselling and cross-selling, Chili Piper has got your back.
  • Qualified helps your management of inbound leads with the help of chatbots and intent data to get a better understanding of how your website is performing. It makes you feel in control of your website

What is Chili Piper 

Chili Piper is the only platform that brings all of your demand conversion data into one place, leading to a more accurate picture of how you convert leads across the funnel.

The sales funnel is complicated. Whether ABM campaigns, paid campaigns with forms, chatbots, gated content, field events, in-app marketing, and email nurture campaigns, your sales funnel can sprout leaks.

But Chili Piper has got your back.

This spicy platform ensures that your buyers receive the VIP treatment they deserve by connecting them with your teams right away.

To avoid a leaky funnel, Chili Piper optimizes the buyer experience for your prospects and customers across all parts of the funnel.

Chili Piper Form Concierge

Book meetings from your forms - your highest intent channel

As a savvy marketer, you already know that letting high-intent leads wait for your sales to email them won't win you any prizes. MQLs are not sufficient. Sales qualified pipeline is what matters.

With Chili Piper you can easily put a javascript on your forms (any form) to allow you to qualify and route prospects to their right team member.

Hot leads (e.g. prospects who have raised their hands to talk to sales) can be routed to your prospecting team or your sales team.

You can set up these routing rules based on data from your CRM, your form data, or any other data enrichment tools you use, like Zoominfo or Clearbit.

For example, if you want to route companies based in North America with 1,000+ employees to your Enterprise - North America sales team, Chili Piper can make that happen.

With Chili Piper Form Concierge you can also optimize for: 

Your ABM campaigns 

If you’re creating bespoke landing pages for specific accounts and/or personas, you can give them VIP treatment. 

With Chili Piper embedded on your landing page, you can let your accounts book in one click and show them exactly who they are booking a meeting with.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Instantly — Your prospects can connect with your sales team on the phone instantly using concierge live
  • Scheduling later — They can schedule a time that works for them in one click (no form needed) with the right rep

Your field events 

If you want to show ROI from your events, you need to measure based on meetings booked rather than badge scans. 

Many Chili Piper customers set up their teams at events to be able to book meetings straight at the booth to show ROI and pipeline for the spend at tradeshows.

Your Customer Marketing efforts 

If your customer marketing team sends emails or in-app notifications about new products or features, they can book a time with their customer success manager right then and there! 

Chili Piper directly integrates with your CRM, so it knows which CSM/AM is assigned to which account. 

Marketplace listings

Book meetings directly from G2

Convert inbound requests to pipeline on other websites — like G2. With the G2-Chili Piper integration, your inbound prospects can immediately schedule time with the right rep, rather than submitting their details on a form and hoping they’ll hear back.

Instead of capturing leads that never get followed up, you can create sales-qualified meetings directly where your prospects have the highest intent. 

Worried a bunch of junk leads will spam your reps’ calendars? No need! With Chili Piper you can set up specific criteria to ensure only qualified leads schedule meetings with your revenue reps.


Chat is a lightweight chatbot solution that marketers can set up and deploy on their website in minutes, not days. 

Chat lets you engage, qualify, and schedule meetings with visitors while they’re on your site. You can customize chat triggers based on a visitor’s website activity, page scroll, and time on page, focusing only on those showing strong indicators of intent.

When prospects want to learn more, they can instantly book a meeting based on their availability, and get routed to the right rep. Chat leverages real-time data and Salesforce routing logic to schedule with the correct team member every time. 

Not to mention, every activity is seamlessly logged in your CRM in real time!

Chat addresses major top-of-funnel challenges for revenue teams: guiding the right leads through tailored journeys, converting them and connecting them with the right reps fast.

  • Book meetings directly from Chat in one-click 🪄
  • Route meetings to the right rep — no routing rule is too complex. 
  • Target the right person, at the right time with custom triggers and audience segmentation.
  • Connect your top-tier visitors with a sales rep for real-time conversations.

Concierge Live 

Concierge Live: Start meetings at the speed of now

Concierge Live is an add-on to Concierge Form and helps companies that sell to small businesses get in touch with their prospects immediately on the phone. Companies like Square, Toast, and Gusto use Chili Piper to automate their processes and get to their customers and prospect immediately on the phone 


Handoff: Route your leads to the right reps

Handoff allows your teams to setup the next call for your buyer in the buying process to give them the best possible experience. This includes: 

  • Prospecting teams handing off to sales: Your prospecting team (e.g. SDRs/BDRs) can book with the right AE on the right team — without spreadsheets. Handoff also takes into account vacation time and uses an algorithm to ensure all reps receive an equal number of meetings.
  • Sales handing off to customer success teams: When your sales team passes a closed deal off to customer success, they can use Handoff to make that transition seamless.


Route all your accounts, leads, contacts the way you want it

Distro enables RevOps and Sales Ops teams with their advanced routing needs across the customer funnel. Passing the baton from one rep to the next should be easy. Chili Piper makes sure that all the routing needs can be enabled with a simple easy-to-use interface.

Lead routing, account routing, contact routing based on advanced rules, triggers, and SLA can be easily set up and used across all channels.

Instant Booker 

Book more meetings faster

Instant booker is the most advanced tool on the market that helps sales teams with the process of scheduling meetings that convert to the pipeline. 

Smart features designed especially for sales teams make it the tool of choice for evaluating Chili Piper for your entire revenue teams. 

Customer success, prospecting, account managers, and support teams prefer Chili Piper because of its many advanced features and settings for group meetings, priority meetings, and special schedules for customers. Here’s what we love about it:

  • It integrates with Salesloft and Outreach to help sales teams automate their meeting scheduling and reduce ghost rates. Because nobody likes ghosting 👻
  • It fills reps’ calendar with more meetings than any other tool because of its patented one-click scheduling feature
  • It integrates with Sendoso and Reachdesk — as soon as your prospect schedules a meeting with you, it automatically triggers a gift send
  • It helps Customer Success teams with capacity planning for headcount, due to advanced meeting tracking in the pipeline

What are the benefits of using Chili Piper 

Fast implementation

Chili Piper customers can get up and running on a product very quickly (depending on the product this can be a few minutes, a few hours in simpler use cases) and see benefits right away.

Double inbound conversion rates

Most customers see their hand-raisers to sales-qualified meetings doubling in a few days, creating a domino effect that doubles inbound conversions and pipeline.

No more leaky funnels — in any part of the funnel

Sales funnels are complicated. The more complicated they are, the easier it is to sprout leaks. 

With Chili Piper, you can plug leaks in all parts of your funnel: 

  • When a hot lead submits a demo request
  • When a lead becomes an MQL
  • When your prospecting team hands off to your sales team
  • When sales hands off to onboarding
  • When a warm lead attends a webinar
  • And so on

Here are some other benefits of using Chili Piper:

  • Double conversion rates for in-app upsell and cross-sell campaigns 
  • Triple conversion rates in outbound campaigns from AI-trained suggested times compared to booking links 
  • Double conversion rates from nurture emails that have as a CTA talking to sales (due to one-click booking) 
  • Double ROI from field events due to booking sales-qualified meetings on site (rather than relying on badge scans) 
  • Saying goodbye to lead routing spreadsheets and saving time by booking meetings automatically 
  • 95% show rates for most Chili Piper customers. We have the lowest no-show rates in the industry. 
Kyle Freitas, COO and Co-Founder of The Operations Company: "I’ve helped my clients implement different calendar and routing solutions over the years and haven’t found one that enables you to take complete control of the full funnel like Chili Piper does. Sure, the other tools help with setting that initial meeting, but Chili Piper streamlines the entire end-to-end process for GTM teams including everything on the backend. Chili Piper is truly best-in-class."

What are the drawbacks of using Chili Piper? 

Chili Piper is not a fit for companies that: 

  • Use a CRM other than Salesforce or Hubspot. Chili Piper currently only integrates with these two CRMs.
  • Don’t have a revenue team
  • Are looking for a chatbot, specifically. (Chili Piper is currently developing a chat solution, but it’s not available yet)
  • However, Chili Piper does integrate with Ada and Intercom

What is Qualified?

Qualified meetings

Qualified is a conversational marketing tool that integrates only with Salesforce that helps set up meetings with potential buyers from their website.

Qualified helps salespeople qualify leads and book meetings more efficiently. It offers automated lead qualification, chatbot integration, and a simple scheduling tool.

Qualified Platform is also called the Pipeline Cloud and has the following products:

Qualified conversations 

Qualified conversations is an AI chatbot that helps sales teams engage with prospects that show lower intent but may have questions for your team.

Qualified conversations: An embedded chatbot on your website


Signals show your site which accounts have been identified to be visiting your site.

Qualified Signals: See which accounts are most engaged on your website


Advertising helps retarget site visitors and alert your sales team when they are on your company or site.

Qualified retargeting: Retarget site visitors with LinkedIn Ads, Google Ads, and Facebook ads


Meetings for simple scheduling for complex sales teams, made simple for conversational marketing.

Example of Qualified Meetings chatbot on the ThoughtSpot website

What are the benefits of using Qualified?

Qualified offers several benefits that make it a great tool for marketing teams who are focused on inbound pipeline: 

  • It allows starting chat conversations that can yield sales conversations that eventually convert to pipeline
  • You can see which businesses come on your website and engage in conversations
  • Sales teams are alerted when their target accounts are visiting the site

What are the drawbacks of using Qualified?

There are a few drawbacks of using Qualified: 

  • It only works for companies on Salesforce
  • Their pricing starts at $3500 per month for their basic package
  • Their scheduling solution only offers basic functionality and doesn’t fit all the needs of a revenue team
  • It doesn’t handle advanced distribution and doesn’t integrate with all the tools a revenue team needs to work with across the full funnel

Comparing Chili Piper vs Qualified

From a functionality standpoint they both have key differences and some similarities, see table below but the decision comes down to the use cases they are being used:

Comparison matrix Chili Pipers vs Qualified

Qualified is generally used by teams that want to optimize their website. 

Chili Piper is used by B2B revenue teams that are focused on optimizing conversions through all parts of the funnel — sales, marketing, and customer success.

Set up

Both tools have great white-glove customer success teams that are praised by their buyers.

Getting started with Chili Piper is extremely fast. Some customers can get started in as fast as one hour and begin to see results immediately. 

Chili Piper's customer support team is seeing above-industry average response time, with 15 minutes being their current benchmark.


Chili Piper's product prices start at $15/per user/per month for yearly subscriptions. 

The platform fee depends on the number of inbound leads you process each month, giving sales teams the flexibility to scale their usage as needed. 

You can see a full price breakdown and pricing calculator on the pricing page

Qualified pricing starts at $3500 for basic plans and their pricing is not transparent on their site for larger bundles.


With Chili Piper, you can connect to over 100 other apps, including Zapier, Reachdesk, Chameleon, and Gong. 

This allows sales and marketing teams to seamlessly integrate their customer data and sales processes with existing tools, as well as build custom automation and workflows. 

Not only does this make it easier to manage customer relationships, but it also provides insights into customer behavior.

Chili Piper integrations: Marketo, Hubspot, Intercom, Clearbit, Sendoso, G2

Qualified also offers a range of integrations, including 3 marketing automation tools, 1 CRM, and calendar integration. They have 20 integrations that allow marketing teams to easily connect their inbound leads to their existing business processes and ensure that meetings happen on their website.


Ultimately choosing between two different tools for your team depends on your business goals, the teams making the decision and their budget available.

If you only need a tool for your website and you have a generous budget Qualified is the right tool for your team. Or if you’re looking for a chatbot specifically, Qualified currently offers one of the best chatbots on the market. 

However, if you want to optimize your entire buyer funnel across all your motions and across all your teams and want to avoid buying multiple tools in your tech stack then Chili Piper is the right choice. Especially if the distribution of leads is an important factor to solve for at all touch points with your customers.

Additionally, if your team is focused on PLG as a strategy for your organization then making sure that all your product-qualified leads are nurtured in the app and in marketing email nurtures then Chili Piper is a better tool for your needs.

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